About Us

Hoteltopic is a company made by hoteliers for the hotelier, with the intent of maximizing revenue for hotels by providing end-to-end digital solutions. It is brand owned by icebeards. We have a simple online booking system for small hotels.

In the last ten years, the world of Internet and Digital Payments has made a revolutionary change to how hotels are marketed, booked and managed. With an increasing adoption of these technologies by the travelers, these changes are here to stay and mature further.

Larger hotel chains have been forced to make significant investment in this area to sustain and also reap the benefits. However, many smaller and mid-size hotels have remained operating in the traditional methods due to the resistance to change, for lack of knowledge or for budgetary reasons. Others have half-heartedly engaged with multiple online travel sites, often leading to confusion, overbooking and loss in potential revenue. In most cases, the resistance to change have been driven by the fear of the unknown and the lack of right resources.

Like many other software partners, HotelTopic provides the technology to allow online booking facility for any hotel. Where we stand out is we also take complete ownership of the marketing and of the booking process up to the point the guest lands at the hotel’s doorstep. This means that you, the hotelier may choose not to deal with the operational complexity of digital marketing, online booking etc. and instead concentrate on what you do best, which is run the hotel and make your guests satisfied.

In short, Hoteltopic helps you all the way to bridge the gap between the World of Internet (i.e. Digital Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Revenue Management, Channel Managers, Online Booking Engine) and traditional down-to-earth hospitality. We are so confident of our solution, that under certain terms and condition, we offer to take our payments only as part of the incremental revenue that you make after you engage our services. If you do not gain, you do not pay.

The world of Internet has the capability to increase the number of potential travelers that you can reach and the ease of transaction is getting simpler day-by-day. If utilized properly, marketing and selling on the Internet can lead to a manifold increase of your hotel revenue. However, one thing has not changed, no one can serve your guests better than you do, and as hoteliers we know that as well. A clean room, a comfortable bed and a fresh hot meal is something the traveler still looks for.

Let Hoteltopic manage the technology and bring in your guests, while you ensure that they leave happy. With a deep knowledge of the travel industry, we also offer our services on guiding you with what various travelers may be looking for in your hotel starting from hotel room arrangement, room pricing, seasonal fluctuations, food menu, activities etc.

Give us a call or fill the short survey. We will get back to you with our recommendations on how we can help in maximizing your hotel revenue.